Why oral health education is important when wearing braces


Most people have known at least one person who has worn braces in their life. And, when it comes to wearing braces for yourself, it can be a daunting prospect.

After all, they require a lot of care and will need to be kept in prime condition to ensure that they are working and that they are not impacting negatively on your dental health.

Therefore, if you need to have braces fitted, come and see our team at Dorset Orthodontics. Our orthodontic team knows all there is to know about braces and can ensure that your oral health education Bournemouth is up to speed, so you will know how to take care of the braces and also look after your dental health.

So, when wearing braces, your oral health education Bournemouth will need to expand to keep your mouth healthy. What do we advise for most of our patients who wear braces? Read on to find out!

Brush regularly

The golden rule of our team’s oral health education Bournemouth is more relevant than ever when it comes to wearing braces and maintaining oral health. You should clean your teeth with an electric toothbrush at least twice a day while wearing braces (preferably more), especially after meals, to remove food particles and plaque. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

It is also worth investing in a travel toothbrush to take with you when you are out and about to help keep your teeth free from bacteria and plaque accumulation.

Floss daily

Flossing is important to clean the areas between your teeth and braces where a toothbrush cannot reach. You can use a floss threader or an interdental brush to clean under the wire and around the brackets. If your budget can stretch to it, it is worth investing in a water flosser, which will give you more flexibility with the removal of bacteria and food debris.

Rinse your mouth

When wearing braces, you should also rinse your mouth with water or an antiseptic mouthwash after eating to remove food particles and freshen your breath. It is always best to try and get a mouthwash that has a high fluoride content, as this will help to protect your teeth against acid, plaque and bacteria in your mouth.

Avoid hard and sticky foods

Braces and hard or sticky food are no good! Hard foods can damage your braces, while sticky foods can get stuck in the wires and brackets and can attract more bacteria to the area, which can heighten the chance of decay. Try to stick to soft, non-sticky foods and cut tough or crunchy foods into small pieces.

If you have concerns that your brace wire is damaged, please see our team.

Visit our team regularly

Regular dental check-ups and brace cleanings are important to monitor the progress of your orthodontic treatment and to keep your teeth and gums healthy. With fitted braces, we will need to see you about once every 6 to 8 weeks for tightening and adjustments, but we also recommend that you see our hygienist for additional cleaning.